This is covered very clearly in the Notation Reference:

"When alternate endings are added to a repeat that begins with an incomplete 
measure, it becomes necessary to set the Timing.measureLength context property 
manually, in the following specific places:"

Please familiarise yourself with that section.  You will see you need this:

\alternative{ { \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4) bf2. \bar "|" 

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sebastian Canagaratna 
  To: Mailinglist lilypond-user 
  Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 4:15 PM
  Subject: Problem with bar line in \repeat volta: a bug?

  I am having some problems with repeat volta. I give below the pdf and .ly 
version of the code. The bar line ins the 3rd system is not at the and of the 
line. If the repeat starts at the beginning of a bar ( now the repeat start 
with r4; I remove that and replace the bf2. before it and the bf2. in the forst 
alternative by bf1 ) the bat is at end of the line in the 3rd system. Am I 
doing something wrong or is this a bug?

  Sebastian Canagaratna


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