on 2013-09-08 at 16:56 Dave Phillips wrote:

> Since you're a fellow Csounder, can you suggest ways to link that system
> with LP ? IIRC Csound has some support for MusicXML, but I've never
> tested it.

i did something very basic not long ago for a project, parsing the output
of the event-listener with a python script to generate a csound score. i
repeat it was *very basic*, according to my limited knowledge of python
and my non-existent programming skills... it was also hard-coded for our
specific LP code and csound orchestra, and it would be useless for general
use. but there are some ideas there.

i think this is a recurring theme on the lilypond community, the
possibility of rendering the music with good(ish) quality from the
lilypond score. at least *i* would be interested in something like that.

i see three possible lines of work:

1) improving lilypond's MIDI output. there's a thread still running about
panning, and there were others before that. right now lily's MIDI output is
very basic. of course MIDI itself is very limited, but if LP had a more
sophisticated MIDI module (or whatever it is called), that alone would be
a great improvement;

2) MusicXML? i must say that i know next to nothing about MusicXML itself,
or how it is supported by LP or Csound. but i guess there's much potential

3) something along the lines of what i did. event-listener.ly would need
to be expanded to support more events, then different scripts could be
developed to parse the output and generate standard midi files or csound
scores or whatever. i think python is perfect for this task, but then
again i know very little or nothing about other programming languages.
from what i hear, many people like lua now.

i think those would be interesting projects if there were people with both
the qualifications and the disposition to work on them... i'd be glad to
involve myself in something along line 3) if it used python. but someone
is needed with solid LP scheme knowledge to expand event-listener.ly.



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