Keith E OHara wrote Saturday, November 16, 2013 4:00 AM

> So for what kind of music do you use ragged-bottom=##t ?

I don't use it at all (I set mainly short SATB + piano, occationally 

> The manual (currently) suggests it for scores, where maybe just two systems 
> fit on a page; but then the systems are closer than they need to be on the 
> looser pages.  To give adaptable space at the bottom of the page, it is 
> better to use \paper{ last-bottom-spacing #'stretchability = 120 }

It may have been useful for purposes such as this (two systems per page) before 
flexible spacing was implemented.  Flexible spacing is much better, although 
difficult to grasp initially.

> Sometimes we do want fixed vertical spacing of the music on the page; we can 
> make the 'minimum-distance as big as 'basic-distance, in all the spacing 
> settings, but that user-interface is difficult.

> Maybe ragged-bottom=##t should continue to always under-fill pages, as it 
> does now?

It may be useful as a speed-up aid during the data-entry/checking phase in 
longer pieces, but I don't know what the time saving would be.

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