Le 17/11/2013 06:52, Werner LEMBERG disait :

In other words, I can live with ragged-bottom compression if lilypond
emits a warning that it has to compress a page – and lilypond should
also emit the corresponding page number in the warning message.

I don't know if this would be easy, but it would be very useful: reading the logs, I have no idea where these happen except the bookpart

Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 61 or 62 pages...
Drawing systems...
warning: cannot fit music on page: overflow is 1.280015
warning: compressing music to fit
warning: cannot fit music on page: overflow is 0.903290
warning: compressing music to fit
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 78 or 79 pages...
Drawing systems...
Layout output…


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