Am 22.11.2014 17:12, schrieb Michael Ellis:
I have another question that's somewhat related. If my example contained notes above the middle line, you would notice that the stem directions would still be up because I designated \music as \voiceOne and \structure as \VoiceTwo.

    music = \relative c' { c4 d e | f g a b  }

    structure = {
            \time 3/4 \tempo 4=60 s2.
            \time 4/4 \tempo 4=120 \repeat volta 2 { s1 }

    \score {
          \new Staff = "Music" {
            \new Voice = "Music" { \voiceOne \music }
            \new Voice = "Structure" { \voiceTwo \structure }

Is there a way to tell LilyPond to apply the usual single voice rules for stem direction to \music?

Well, in this case you don't have any conflicting music in the two Voice contexts (because the \structure isn't a printed music voice).
So you can simply leave out the \voiceXXX commands and you're ready.

using \voiceOne and \voiceTwo is not mandatory at all to manage two voices. These commands only give LilyPond the necessary clues how to deal with potential collision events and how to typeset the voices (e.g. the stem direction you noticed, but also which voice would move to which direction in case of collisions etc.).

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