Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
You forgot -O2, and you forgot to give your machine a name! 
Actually, neither. I figured out that -O2 didn't help. As for my machine's name, it's like getting a dog who already responds to a name. You don't change it. ;)
You forgot to run strip(1). 
Hmmm. I forgot to mention that I already tried that.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] helloworld]$ gcc -O2 -static -o hello hello.c
[EMAIL PROTECTED] helloworld]$ ls -l hello
-rwxrwxr-x??? 1 eli????? eli??????? 441940 Mar? 6 21:27 hello*
[EMAIL PROTECTED] helloworld]$ strip -s hello
[EMAIL PROTECTED] helloworld]$ ls -l hello
-rwxrwxr-x??? 1 eli????? eli??????? 373248 Mar? 6 21:27 hello*

Any suggestions of how to shrink this down to some normal size?

strip(1). Anything beyond that requires assembly and careful
Really? This is the end of it? How come /sbin/insmod.static is so small? What do "they" know that I don't?

? ? Eli

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