On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

> As for the upcoming syscalltrack (<---- this is how it's written)
> developers meeting, here is the tentative agenda with very tentative
> times. If anyone wants to talk about anything else orhear about any
> other subject, let me know.

all in all - you plan for a 135 minutes meeting - assuming a 5-10 minute
break in the middle, that's around 2.5+ hours.

so it'll be 18:30 - 21:10 or so?

btw, regarding gen_syscalls.pl - i could give a few minutes of
explanations about how it works, and what i think we should do with it. i
sugest we concentrate on how to design it, regardless of language, so
we'll be focused, and not delve into language fights.

> - syscalltrack demonstration "in the wild". (15 minutes, Muli)

10 minutes would be enough - it was already demonstrated a while back, in
the syscalltrack lecture.

> - technical discussions (30 minutes each)
> - the old device file design and the new device file design, with
>   explanations of linux special device files. (Muli).
> - shlomif's demonstration of lex & yacc (Shlomif)
> - redesign of gen_syscalls.pl (30 minutes, everyone, brainstorming)
> - the future of syscalltrack - features and requisites for a 1.0
> release. (15 minutes, Muli).
> - the far future. (15 minutes, Muli).

these 2 could take 15 minutes together - unless a discussion (read:
argumentative fights) will develope ;)


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