On Tuesday 21 June 2011 12:06 PM, Amit Mahajan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have booted panda board using 11.05 natty release of ubuntu. It worked
> great.
> Now, I am trying to compile the kernel myself. I am using the sources
> from tarball provided on 11.05 release page as well as from linaro git
> 2.6.38 tree.
> I have extracted the .config from running ubuntu(of 11.05 LEB) and using
> it to compile my own kernels. Then I am just replacing the uImage on
> sdcard(generated using 11.05 LEB) by my compiled kernel.
> Boot process goes fine till the init process but then it fails to bring
> on the graphics and goes to console mode.
> Any help on this?

You may want to install modules on the SD card too:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/media/rootfs modules_install


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