A lot of people have expressed concern that the attendance figures at the COA 
vary wildly from day today and from month to month and nobody really seems to 
understand what volume of people we should plan for. Let me remind people that 
the baby boom cohort just turning 70. 

Speaking as a person who is about to turn 80, it is often hard to visualize 
what’s going to happen to you over the next 10 years. For example, it is hard 
to believe that you will ever find a time that you cannot reach your toenails. 
Yet that happens! One can spend $60 to go to a podiatrist or $10 to go to the 
podiatrist at COAHS. If one member of a long relationship has died, the 
remaining member often finds that the help offered with taxes or with choosing 
between health plans is vital. I myself have just started to take advantage of 
their exercise programs. 

The number of people looking for these services is about to expand rapidly as 
the baby boomers age. Let’s build for the future, not the past.

Ruth Ann
(She, her, hers)
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