>Well, tough. The user selected print, and should not be shocked when a 
>print options dlog appears. The vast, vast, overwhelming majority of users 
>have printed *something* at some point, and are not put off by a print 
>dlog. Those that are will have to learn eventually, so why write coddling 
>code? That's on par with wanting to install pads on everything in the 
>universe on the grounds that careless people who bump into things will get 
>hurt. Rather than padding the universe it makes infinitely more sense to 
>allow those few to run into stuff until they learn how not to stub their 
>toes. Inconvenience a few rather than the majority.
>Put another way I think you're worrying way too much about something 
>utterly trivial.

I am in complete agreement.  And have already (exhaustedly) argued that 
point with my peers/client.  Unfortunately, my client doesn't agree!  And 
their the ones paying the $20k + for this project.  If I don't give them 
what they want (which is possible function, just a little more inconvienent 
for me), then they will find someone willing to be inconvenienced for the 

So, that being said, I will set off on my journey to hopefully discover the 
possibilities...or create my own.

FYI, I can sit here and complain about not only the stupidity(ignorance) of 
users, but also that of clients who just magically want computers to do 
everything for them.  But, that's not very conducive to any positive action 
(that action being an answer).

Instead of being a possible source of solution, you have stepped into the 
arena of being part of the problem:  Those that are ignorant and want the 
world to change for them ...and those that complain about how the world 
shouldn't have to change/simplify for the others (i.e. "Do it MY way or 
learn it MY way!").

If you choose to be a programmer/developer for yourself, then by all means, 
do it your way and your way only.  But, if you program for a living (or 
try), then you will have to inevitably do something that you believe is 
pretty stupid.  That's part of BUSINESS - as you well know.

You are a great resource for those of us with questions on Director, I thank 
you for that.  But if you're not going to help, then please don't post.

Sorry if I sound a little miffed, you caught me on a very bad week!

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