set b1=new(xtra "budapi")
set OK = baOpenFile( "c:\tmp.htm" , "hidden" )

put ok
-- 26031

I don't know whether it has any bearing on your ability to open a browser as "hidden", or why your return value for baOpenFile is as large as it is, but you don't need to create an instance of Buddy API before accessing its methods - they are essentially 'global' and registered with the projector/authoring environment when the program loads.
IOW: you don't need the line 'set b1=new(xtra "budapi")'

Also, the documentation states that a return value of < 32 from the baOpenFile method indicates an error, suggesting that 26031 *isn't* an error and that the method did what you asked.
Given that you are opening an htm file, why not try: baOpenURL( string URL, "hidden" )


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