You have to disregard the "from" address. That's totally fakeable. The only thing trustworthy is the source IP address.

We have separate accounts here (like [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc.). It's amusing to see our tech support account receive email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] with spam or virus in it. Obviously we're not sending this stuff to ourselves. Someone else halfway across the country or world has the email addresses and it's going out looking like it's FROM us and also TO us.

FWIW, if everyone remembers we shifted to allowing only lingo-l members to post when we would occasionally get 1 spam every couple of weeks. It really annoyed everyone, so we made the member-only post requirement. Still, I have to review the quarantined messages looking for valid users using the wrong account. Gradually it moved to one spam a week, then maybe one spam a day.

The other day I had one valid user problem, and I think some twenty spams. This is out of control. The amount of spams going to the list was exceeding the list activity itself for that day.

Personally I get one or two HUNDRED a day. Some of them supposedly from ourselves! :) It's crazy.

- Tab

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