At 18:12 20.08.2003 -0500, Howdy-Tzi wrote:
On Wednesday, Aug 20, 2003, at 16:47 America/Chicago, Colin Holgate wrote:

This is a nasty one. shows worldwide stats and displays them graphically. They have to adjust the scale every some hours ...

I went there and it crashed my Netscape. I had to restart. Oh the irony.

I got a blank frame in Safari. One can only assume the site's been tested in IE only, and probably built in FrontPage.

Sorry to make you suffer, Colin.

I just went there again, on Opera 7.11 /w2k. No issue. The active content is a flash.
I checked it on mozilla/Debian 1.2.1-9 (knoppix 3.2). No issue. Konqueror, OTOH, doesn't know how to Flash and it looks kinda empty. Still no crash.

I'd say it's dreamweaver, Flash-related javascript function names all bearing a MM_ prefix.

dtd goes like:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "";>

Didn't touch Frontpage since the initial version but I doubt it's capable of writing that line.

Anyway, looks like Kerry is right.

best regards
Daniel Plaenitz

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