Thank you, Daniel and Carl!
Maybe it isn´t all that bad creating the members. Or maybe I am better off using bitmap images and positioning them on stage... naaahh.
I think I´ll try creating members inside a repeat loop. By the by, creating members dynamically will take some little time, won´t it? Meaning it would be an "assymetrical" thingie, a bit like downLoadNetThing and the like? Of course, it will probably be faster than a file download, but it won´t be instant, right? Would that mean I will need to let the playback head move and check every exitFrame or so, or maybe check it with a timeout object?

Daniel wrote:
new(#field, castLib("castlib name"))
new(#text, castLib("castlib name"))

Carl wrote:
This works for me in 8.5 Mac:
bar = new(#text)
put bar
-- (member 2 of castLib 1) = "Membername"
bar.text = "Some Content"
bar.font = "Arial"
bar.fontsize = 40
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