> So basically intstead of calling a function, I set a variable in my #flash
> member and in the swf have an MC that checks (kind of "enter frame") and
> not empty" do this or that and then call the function??

Yes. I actually had 2 variables say _root.gstrAction and _root.gblnProcess.
gstrAction is initialized to null and gblnProcess is set to false. Whenever
I need to execute a speciifc action from D, I will set the gstrAction
variable to the action required and then set the gblnProcerss variable to
true. The MC in flash will monitor the gblnProcess variable and the moment
it is set to true perform the required action based and reset the
gblnProcess variable to false.
> > This may not be the best soln. but it worked for me and my
> > client was happy with the performance.
> Any other similar solutions to the problem??

I'll need to check my other implementations - but I'm not sure they are very

Anand Ravi

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