Valentin Schmidt

> Hi list,
> I'm working on an cross-platform (win and mac os x) scripting xtra
> called "Shell Xtra" that can be used to execute command line programms
> (hidden) and return the output back to director.
> On mac os x (only tested on jaguar, so far) it's something like a hidden
> terminal window, on windows like a hidden DOS box.
> It's still very alpha, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment, and could use
> some feedback about bugs, improvements and its general usefulness.
> So if anybody has a bit time to spend for it, you are welcome to
> download and test the current version from

Hi Valentin,

Just downloaded the v02 one. Cool. Been playing around with it and the
following issues popped up:

Works: "services.msc", "cmd" (though it become internal one, but cool),
"explorer", "winver", "notepad", "dxdiag", "mmc", "calc".

Throws an error (doesn't work): "far", "iexplore".

Does nothing: "msconfig".

Yours is better (than the internal cmd one): "ipconfig /displaydns (and many
more)", "ping".

Though I have no idea of what an xtra is, and I can't simply say "This one
is good" while "This one needs some improvements" I should admit "Good
work". I classify these kind of things as: "Know how"

Win03, DMX04

Peter Bochan

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