Bertil, that's a great solution.  I tried, and failed, to do it from the
[Windows] run dialog:

acrobat C:\Documents and
Settings\mendelsohnm.CORP\Desktop\ADOBEuiquickref.pdf /A page=18
-- didn't work

In your routine below, just curious, why did you add in the
When you said baFindApp returned the path to the full version of Acrobat
on your system, wouldn't baFindApp just return whatever's associated
with "pdf" on anyone's system and just launch from there?
e = baFindApp("pdf")
-- "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"
theApp = baShortFileName(e)
-- "C:\PROGRA~1\Adobe\ACROBA~2.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"
theDoc = baShortFileName("C:\Documents and
theArgs = " /A page=5 "
open theApp & theArgs & theDoc

Looks like if you take your method and add all the params in that pdf,
you could do quite a bit!

Thanks very much! And I'm relieved to know your day wasn't wasted.
- Michael M.

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