Hi Rob

Very clever, and also quite appropriate for my current project as I
explicitly want the object to be destroyed when I leave the movie.
Thanks Rob and Mark for your insights. The project was getting very
messy yesterday and I have tidied it up by using a manager manager,
didn't take too long either (gives self pat on back too!)



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Wingate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 1:44 PM
> Subject: RE: <lingo-l> OOP - conventions, not urgent
> > 1. When, if ever, is it 'allowable' to access a property 
> without using
> No improvement on Mark's answer is necessary, so I'll leave it there.
> > 2. I can't find a way to construct a movie without using at 
> least one
> > global variable
> There is a way, but it may or may not work in your situation. 
>  When you
> instantiate your HQ object, you're probably doing something like this:
> -- Movie script
> global HQ
> HQ = new( script "HQ" )
> And your HQ parent's 'new' handler does this:
> -- HQ Parent
> on new me
>   -- whatever
>   return me
> end
> That is, 'new' is returning an obj pointer, and you're 
> storing it in HQ.
> Instead, you can instantiate the object this way:
> init script "HQ" <-note the conspicuous lack of assigning a global
> You replace the parent script's 'new' handler with 'init' (or 
> other custom
> handler), and it doesn't need to 'return me' before exiting.  
> Then, each
> time you would've otherwise communcated with HQ like this,
> HQ.speechMngr.speak( "words..." )
> do this instead:
> (script "HQ").speechMngr.speak( "words..." )
> The point is, through the use of the 'script' keyword, you 
> can communicate
> directly with a (pseudo?) instance of the script, instead of 
> storing its
> pointer in a global.  I've used it for years when occasion 
> called, without
> incident.
> The caveat is that since you're not storing HQ as a global, 
> it doesn't have
> global scope.  It works throughout the life of the .dir, but 
> when you go to
> another movie, its memory is released. It's a way to achieve 
> movie-scope
> objects, really (in addition to the obvious local & global).  
> So if your
> program needs to change between several movies, you'll need 
> at least one
> global after all.
> Hope this helps
> Rob

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