Bruce Epstein - Zeus Productions wrote:

> The setFilterMask accepts up to four "filter types" at once. I don't think
> you can filter for more than four different types using it. You might need
> to resort to a third-party Xtra. If nothing else, you can read in a file
> list using FileIO and then manually contruct the file browser using the
> desired types.
> Here is an example off the top of my head. Many more details in Chapter 14
> of LiaN...
> fileIOinstance = new (xtra "fileIO")
> if the platform contains "Mac" then
>     -- displays text, PICT, BMP, and TIFF  files
>    setfilterMask (fileIOinstance, "TEXTPICTBMP TIFF")
(I'm working on a Mac so I'll stop here)

I'm trying to show only Quicktime movies in the dialog:

  foo = new(xtra "fileio")
  setfilterMask (foo, "MooV")
  proposedFilename = displayOpen(foo)
  openfile(foo, proposedFilename, 0)
  put "proposedFilename",proposedFilename, getfinderinfo(foo)

this shows everything in the directory and I get this in the message window:

-- "proposedFilename" "Projects:Extracurricular:cinepak2x.MOV" "MooV TVOD"

when I use:

    setfilterMask (foo, "MooV TVOD")
 or setFilterMask (foo, "TEXT")

it shows everything in the directory.

when I use:

    setfilterMask (foo, "MOOV")
or  setFilterMask (foo, "ttxt")

it shows only the subdirectories in the directory, no files at all.

I'm clearly doing something wrong here but I have no idea where else to
look for an answer, I tried DOUG, updateStage, the Macromedia site,
Director help, the manuals, Director Demystified, another third party
book... no luck

617.262.8830 x246    

I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

           - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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