On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 08:19:25PM +1000, Andy Farkas wrote:
> VoIP over FW works ok (latency is negligible). I set it up for someone
> last week.

what you should have said there is that VOIP over FW *can* work OK.

when the wifi gets congested, though, congestion-related latency will
cause it to for VOIP even worse than it sucks for everything else....and
that is, of course, the problem with wireless compared to fibre or even
copper - it just doesn't scale to the number of users that a national
broadband network is going to have.

it's fine for up to a few dozens of users, but not for hundreds or
thousands within range of the wifi access point....and IIRC, NBN wifi is
using the same unlicensed spectrum as home/office wifi (and garage door
openers and microwaves and wireless TV extenders etc etc etc) so it will
be congested right from the start.


craig sanders <c...@taz.net.au>
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