On 17/11/2017 9:57 AM, David Lochrin wrote:
On Fri, 17 Nov 2017 07:16:08 David Boxall wrote:
Nobody really knows what we're doing, but we _are_ doing it. Some will huddle in a corner, whimpering. Others will get on with the job.
And some will happily sit back and watch the circus unfold! ...
Meanwhile, back in the real world: an electric semi with a range of 800 km and 30-minute recharge time that outperforms a diesel, plus a 400 km/h electric roadster with a 1,000 km range. Both have Tesla's driver assistance system, which is heading toward autonomy. http://reneweconomy.com.au/elon-musk-unveils-the-long-range-tesla-semi-electric-truck-19790/

Fear might keep us safe, but it doesn't do a lot to advance humanity.

David Boxall                    |  The more that wise people learn
                                |  The more they come to appreciate
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  How much they don't know.
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