On 7/11/18 3:18 pm, Stephen Loosley wrote:

... Liquid ... That Can Store The Sun's Energy For Up to 18 Years ...

We already have a liquid which stores energy for years: water.

When the sun is shining, or the wind is blowing, water can be pumped from a low to high reservoir. When energy is needed, the water runs back down to turn a turbine. ANU researchers found thousands of sites suitable for pumped hydro, and won the Eureka Prize for this work. https://arena.gov.au/blog/anu-pumped-hydro-researchers-take-out-eureka-prize/

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority are trying an even simpler scheme: release water for irrigation at the time of day when energy is needed. But they need to test this intermittent flow doesn't adversely effect water users, or the river: https://www.mdba.gov.au/media/mr/hume-dam-power-generation-trial-set-start-benefits-flow

Tom Worthington, MEd FHEA FACS CP http://www.tomw.net.au +61(0)419496150
TomW Communications Pty Ltd. PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia
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Honorary Senior Lecturer, Computer Science, Australian National University https://cecs.anu.edu.au/research/profile/tom-worthington
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