Thanks Tony,

As a Councillor in the Inner West of Sydney, we are grappling with this issue and what to specify in our planning instruments.

The biggest impact, I believe on supermarkets will be the demise of the private motor vehicle. We are already seeing a decline in drivers licenses and motor vehicle ownership.

We recently had a debate in the council chamber about shopping trolleys on our streets. In the course of the debate another councillor confirmed my anecdotal evidence that more people are walking to the shops. The shopping mall had told this long time councillor, some time ago that 50% of their customers were arriving and leaving on foot. We adopted an impounding policy. This policy is not to discourage shoppers from wheeling their purchases home but to encourage the supermarkets to do the right thing by their customers and collect the trolleys or provide other means for their customers to get their purchases home.

To put this in context, a sign at the exit of shopping mall to a bus stop states that the shopping trolley wheels lock at that point. That is particularly rude of the supermarket in the context that they have encouraged the shopper to fill their trolley, collected the money as the shopper filled their trolley with the purchases and then left the shopper stranded.

One perspective that was presented was that the pedestrians should bring their own trolleys - I would put to drivers - how many manage to bring their own bags?

The interesting news here for Link is the potential role here for automated vehicles.

More at

Linkers may also be interested in AURIN maps on Access to shopping in the Inner West. AURIN lets you plot any area) more at


On 21/6/19 9:43 am, Antony Broughton Barry wrote:

Antony Barry
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