On 4/08/2019 10:22 AM, Roger Clarke wrote:
On 4/8/19 9:30 am, JLWhitaker wrote:
We gotta have better do overs.....

The disappointing thing about the article is that he finishes with a comment that's both a non sequitur and idiotic:

>Meanwhile, I have been thinking the opposite: that tech really has to get a lot better, so that voice commands, or even thought commands, can override our inherent bent for sloppiness.

Exactly. I replied to the friend who sent the link to me that relying on voice input is nuts. I have another friend who uses Messenger with voice input. It's a dog's breakfast and many times incomprehensible. I can't imagine thought commands being better fidelity. What thought is going to input? Hey, your ass looks REALLY fat in that! First time that happens, the device will find itself in the toilet.

Or will there be a whole new interpretation of "thought police"?


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: @JL_Whitaker
Blog: www.janwhitaker.com

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space.
~Margaret Atwood, writer

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