On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 10:04:20AM +0200, Rob van der Heij wrote:
> At 15:07 27-08-02 +0900, Jae-hwa Park wrote:
> >What should I do for this problem?
> Just run 'mkswap' - depending on your kernel (and on
> whether you made it CMS reserved) either the FBA or
> the diag code in the dasd driver will pick it up and
> treat it as a disk with just one partition for the
> entire disk.
> Rob

Thank you, Rob.

It works for me. Just run mkswap and swapon.

Thanks again. :-)


Jae-hwa Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IBM Korea, Inc.                     Sa-Rang means LOVE!
For more information on me, visit http://php.sarang.net

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