Every coffee maker I have ever seen pours water near the boiling point over the 
The temperature of the warmers is what affects how hot it is when it is poured into 
the cup. And I suspect people getting coffee "to go" find value in hotter initial 
temperatures, since the coffee will still be hot when they get to wherever they are 
going to drink it.


With the intent of beating the equine directly into the ground, I find that
I must add that McDonalds uses excessively high temperatures to brew it's
coffee. Higher temperatures = more cups per pound of coffee, so there is a
definite financial incentive to raise the water temperature well beyond
that of the typical consumer coffee maker. Add this fact to the number of
ignored consumer complaints about the   aforementioned high temperature and
you begin to see a picture of corporate neglect. Almost all coffee drinkers
have spilled coffee on themselves at one time or another, but how many of
us have sustained third degree burns as a result?

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