On Tue, 18 May 2004, Richard Pinion wrote:

> During startup I do receive the message that the lcs module has been
> loaded.

That's good news -- what does the output of "ifconfig -a" show?  If the
lcs module is indeed successfully loaded and talking to network hardware,
you should see something in addition to your sit0...

> I've defined my ethernet adapter in /etc/ccwgroup.conf.  The
> Gentoo S/390 doc describes this as the file that replaced
> /etc/chandev.conf with the 2.6 kernel.

I know that you would have checked the syntax of this already, but it
probably wouldn't hurt to check it one more time ;)

What about /proc/subchannels and the like?  I guess they will have
equivalents in the new kernel...  Is there a /proc (or /sys) pseudofile
that is the equivalent of /proc/chandev?  These will be other helpful
places to look.

Vic Cross

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