My take on "Why does SMAPI exist" is shaped by experience with i/OS +
JT400 / JTOpen.

JTOpen offers pretty complete programmatic operations access to the
i/Series. IBM was
enthusiastic enough to provide an
overly-complete-to-the-point-of-bloating Java client
API for the TCP/IP services that provide the host side of the access.

So on discovering SMAPI, and finding that, in this instance, IBM omitted
to write the
Java client, I wrote the Java client. That is PigIron

Then a friend says, "People will want to use this in web applications."
So I wrote PigLet,
the servlet that accepts requests formatted in JSON (a popular
data interchange format and delivers PigIron
functionality, i.e., SMAPI,
returning the results in JSON to the web app.

Then the friend says, "Well, actually, what people will want is an
intelligent navigator so
VM newbies can do admin chores from drag-and-drop." So now I'm starting
work on PigView.

Incidentally, the fun thing about SMAPI vs. JTOpen is that the VM
sysprog can easily extend
SMAPI, whereas the i/OS programmer can't (easily) extend the server side
of JTOpen. VM,
creaking under the weight of years as it is, still remains the coolest
OS IBM supports.

Jack J. Woehr            # I run for public office from time to time. It's like # working out at the gym, you sweat a lot, don't get # anywhere, and you fall asleep easily afterwards.

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