Hi Blaz.

On Sat, 1 May 1999, Blaz Antonic wrote:

 >> This is my try to generate a VII data file from DOS.
 >> It doesn't work currently. Perhaps anybody can tell me why.

 > pointers: array[0 .. 255] of longint absolute $0000:$0000;
 > vector: byte;

 > begin
 > for vector := 0 to 255 do
 > writeln('Vector ', vector, ' pointing to ',
 > pointers[vector] shr 16, ':', pointers[vector] and $FFFF);
 > end.

 > This should compile in BP7 and i guess it works. You might want
 > to add some dec2hex function (i don't have its source in my
 > head, it's easy to write) to get nice looking ($xxxx:$xxxx)
 > pairs.

 > Redirect program's output to file (program > file) if you want
 > your list stored in file.

Based on the above, I suggest the following:

===8<=== CUT ===>8===

program vectable(output);

var vector : array[0 .. 255] of longint absolute $0000:$0000;
    N      : byte;

procedure hex2( X : byte );
const HEX : string[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    write( hex[(X shr 4)+1], hex[(X and 15)+1] );

procedure hex4( X : word );
    hex2(X shr 8);
    hex2(X and $FF);

    for N := 0 to 255 do begin
        write( 'Vector ', N, ' pointing to ' );
        hex4( vector[N] shr 16 );
        write( ':' );
        hex4( vector[N] and $FFFF );

===8<=== CUT ===>8===

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux  |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch.   |
 * ftp://ftp.MemAlpha.cx/pub/rhw/Linux
 * http://www.MemAlpha.cx/kernel.versions.html

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