On Monday, August 16, 1999 5:47 AM, Simon Wood [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
: Ok my beef (well it was only supposed to be a comment - I'm not steaming at
: the ears) was that the elkcmd package should really be transportable across
: all platforms. (I acknowledge that is basically PC at present but with talk
: about other platforms we should try to be versatile).

        I think that's a great idea.  I've made the mods so that the elkscmd
package can be compiled with gcc or bcc, and run on different platforms.  That's how
I debugged the elvis editor, for instance.  (The idea is that if it won't run on a 
Linux, how will it run on a developing Linux e.g ELKS)

        #ifdef __BCC__ can be used for certain critical platform issues.


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