On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 04:17:00PM +0100, Alistair Riddoch wrote:
> > writes a '0' to the herc and a '1' to the vga.
> Is it as simple as having a VGA card and a herc, and just writing to them
> both separatly? I would have thought there would be problems with
> initialising the hardware, and detecting which was present.

I swear it is that simple. I've even used this method in main boot record

> If it is this simple, then adding dual monitor as an option to the dircon.c
> driver should be quite easy. The only sticking point is that I don't have a
> herc card, or a mono monitor.

I would offer to test it, but I'm not sure if I will have the time... Anyway,
if you write something that "likely works", send me the diffs I'll try
to find the time to put a herc into a vga machine and test it.


Kovacs Kristof 
Systems Programmer

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