Problem appears only when gtk2 style is set. For kvantum it is ok.

In Sun, 11 Mar 2018 20:21:10 +0000
Rui Nuno Capela <> wrote:

> On 03/11/2018 07:04 PM, Nikita Zlobin wrote:
> > About qtractor, if Rui Nuno Capella reads, there are few places,
> > where, where sans is forced:
> > - clock on toolbar,
> > - files list and track list use sans italic.
> > I don't know, is it sideback of setting to italic, but track list
> > ruler uses regular sans. But still, BPM display, near of clock,
> > followes system font.  
> i'm here and to me all seems be point to qt5ct and not to
> qtractor--none of qtractor widgets are forced into any font style in
> particular, besides the one you can configure explicitly eg. View >
> Options... > Display > Messages.
> i really don't have a clue why it's using italics anywhere in
> qtractor: whatever does, it is not in the upstream code.
> byee
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