On 04/04/21 21:31, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
Hi all,

Please refer to this thread on linuxmusicians.com forum, starting here:
re. Non-Session-Manager fork descalation

I'm not willing to open and engage into yet another discussion about the so called "NSM fork", though I still don't understand what jackaudio.org has to do with the new(er)-session-management (aka "NSM fork") and why it is now moved from linuxaudio.org to jackaudio.org.

I remember Nils writing there very clearly with an explanation for the why. But that whole thread got derailed due to lack of moderation and seems most posts have now been deleted. I am not registered on those forums, so I did not participate in that specific discussion.

Maybe Nils still has a copy of those reasons, I remember them being quite clear.
It is something like:

1. removing burden from some linuxaudio folks and consortium from all things surrounding NSM drama (so we just move it) 2. while moving, still keep new-session-manager in a somewhat group/org so that the project is not just seen as one-man show (plus Nils does not host his own stuff on github) 3. since pretty much all people using NSM now also use it with jack, and it has proven to be to best spec so far for standalone application session management, it does make sense to bring attention to it. this is related to point 2, but more in the sense that if you do use multiple standalone applications with jack and need some SM, go with NSM since it is by far the best one we have.

In my opinion jack-session API is too simple and lacks rules for client behavior. Plus it relies on clients talking to the JACK library. NSM is much better. Not being directly related to jack means we can construct NSM clients without jack, so stuff like a notes application or git archiving of current project is all possible (which do not need audio)
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