On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 07:16:39PM +0100, Wim Taymans wrote:

> As a bare minimum you would need pipewire (the daemon) and
> pipewire-jack (the libjack.so client implementation). With a custom
> config file you can make this work exactly like jack (see below).

Thanks, will try this, but mnay questions remain (see below).
> All the system integration (dbus, systemd and the automatic stuff)
> happens in the session manager. You don't need to run this.

Aha, that is good news. 
> You'll need the pipewire git version

Will things work with the current Arch packages and do I
need git just becuase it has the minimal.conf file ?
If yes I'd prefer to use the Arch packages for now.


* A lot of lines in the minimal.conf are commented. Can one
  assume that these correspond to the defaults ? If not, what
  are the defaults for all these parameters ? 

  What concerns me here is things like 

            #channelmix.normalize  = true
  I certainly do not want any normalisation, so do I need
  to set this to false explicitly ?

* The sample rate (48000) is in many places, most of them
  commented out. What is the relation between all of these ?
  Why, for example, is 'default.clock.rate' commented ?

* 'quantum', 'period-size' and 'period-num' are commented
  out everywhere (except in 'vm.override'). So where is
  the period size defined ?

* If things like sample rate, period size, etc. are set
  to some fixed values in the config, can they still be
  modified by e.g. pw-metadata ? I hope not...



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