Maybe we should start a sooper dooper fundraising scheme like what the
firefox crew did ;)

On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 01:42 +0100, Jens M Andreasen wrote:
> On tor, 2004-11-25 at 02:49 +0300, Dmitry Baikov wrote:
> > Time to develop really open (FireWire?) audio interface, free as in speech.
> As you might have already noticed, free (as in freedom) designs for
> hardware have been discussed here lately. 
>  There is a fee for prototyping though! I believe that the consensus was
> that one should not use the nearmost supplier (close to Arctic Circle?)
> but rather the least expensive supplier (which may be in Melbourne)
> We are still talking a ton of dough, and an individual fronting the
> consequences of everybody else banging out, is risking a substantial sum
> of money.
> /j
> BTW: MIDI Firewire is a standard freely for sale >;->
Dan Harper
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