On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Carl Cook <cac...@quantum-sci.com> wrote:
> On Thu 06 January 2011 11:16:49 Freddie Cash wrote:
>> > Also with this system, I'm concerned that if there is corruption on the 
>> > HTPC, it could be propagated to the backup server.  Is there some way to 
>> > address this?  Longer intervals to sync, so I have a chance to discover?
>> Using snapshots on the backup server allows you to go back in time to
>> recover files that may have been accidentally deleted, or to recover
>> files that have been corrupted.
> How?  I can see that rsync will not transfer the files that have not changed, 
> but I assume it transfers the changed ones.  How can you go back in time?  Is 
> there like a snapshot file that records the state of all files there?

I don't know the specifics of how it works in btrfs, but it should be
similar to how ZFS does it.  The gist of it is:

Each snapshot gives you a point-in-time view of the entire filesystem.
 Each snapshot can be mounted (ZFS is read-only; btrfs is read-only or
read-write).  So, you mount the snapshot for 2010-12-15 onto /mnt,
then cd to the directory you want (/mnt/htpc/home/fcash/videos/) and
copy the file out that you want to restore (cp coolvid.avi ~/).

With ZFS, things are nice and simple:
  - each filesystem has a .zfs/snapshot directory
  - in there are sub-directories, each named after the snapshot name
  - cd into the snapshot name, the OS auto-mounts the snapshot, and off you go

Btrfs should be similar?  Don't know the specifics.

How it works internally, is some of the magic and the beauty of
Copy-on-Write filesystems.  :)
Freddie Cash
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