Excerpts from Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk's message of 2011-03-01 13:35:42 -0500:
> Hi all
> Having managed ZFS for about two years, I want to post a wishlist.
> - Mirror existing single-drive filesystem, as in 'zfs attach'

This one is easy, we do plan on adding it.

> - RAIDz-stuff - single and hopefully multiple-parity RAID configuration with 
> block-level checksumming

We'll have raid56, but it won't be variable stripe size.  There will be
one stripe size for data and one for metadata but that's it.

> - Background scrub/fsck

These are in the works

> - Pool-like management with multiple RAIDs/mirrors (VDEVs)

We have a pool of drives now....I'm not sure exactly what the vdevs are.

> - Autogrow as in ZFS autoexpand

We grow to the available storage now.

> - Adding/removing drives from VDEVs

We can add and remove drives on the fly today

> - Rebalancing a pool

We can rebalance space between drives today.

> - dedup

ZFS does have dedup we don't yet.  This one has a firm maybe.

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