> For fsck, even the stuff I have here does have a way to go before it is
> at the level of an e2fsck or xfs_repair.  But I do want to make sure
> that I'm surprised by any bugs before I send it out, and that's just not
> the case today.  The release has been delayed because I've alternated
> between a few different ways of repairing, and because I got distracted
> by some important features in the kernel.

I think there is a major difference between touching up a few bugs
before you release the code, and experimenting with a bunch of
different ways of repairing before you release the code.  I know I for
one would get as much value out of reading the code for the strategies
you abandoned as I would get from reading the final code, but I don't
know if having those branches in the main repo would have any value
for the project as a whole.

As the current solution goes, I'd just like to see a stake in the
ground for some sort of process to move away from the one man army
approach, should distractions etc continue.  Given the latest 2 week
estimate, something along the lines of, in 4 or 6 weeks, if it still
isn't 'ready', code will start to be released.

> That's how software goes sometimes, and I'll take the criticism because
> it hasn't gone as well as it should have.  But, I can't stress enough how
> much I appreciate everyone's contributions and interest in btrfs.
> -chris

I'm only criticizing the decision to not release the source, in
particular given the delays.  We all have our priorities and
distractions, and s**t happens.  (Part of why I'd argue against the
flying solo strategy.)  But, I really do appreciate all the stuff
you've built, which is part of why I am so keen on reading it. :-) .

Thanks for all the effort
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