Hallo, David,

Du meintest am 27.02.12:

[deleting btrfs partition]

>>    OK, the real problem you're seeing is that when btrfs removes a
>> device from the filesystem, that device is not modified in any way.
>> This means that the old superblock is left behind on it, containing
>> the FS label information. What you need to do is, immediately after
>> removing a device from the FS, zero the first part of the partition
>> with dd and /dev/zero.

> A correction here: if the device being removed is writable, the
> superblock is cleared so it's not recognized as a part of any other
> fs:


> Doing this manually means zeroing 4k block at all offsets up to
> partition size:

> Superblock 0 offset 65536
> Superblock 1 offset 67108864
> Superblock 2 offset 274877906944
> Superblock 3 offset 1125899906842624
> Superblock 4 offset 4611686018427387904

My actual experiments:

  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdxn bs=16M count=1

seems to be enough. Perhaps deleting the first 16 MByte is too much.

Viele Gruesse!
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