On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 03:24:48PM +0800, Anand Jain wrote:
>  feature    xattr     btrfs-kernel-way
>  [1]         No        Yes
>  [2]         No        Yes
>  [3]         Yes       No
>  [1]. Ability to read subvol label without mount

It is possible to read it offline, one can traverse the data structures
the same way as from kernel, ie root_tree -> subovlume fs_tree -> root
directory item -> xattr item.

>  [2]. Full-ability to log and track the property
>       when it is modified

What is expected to happen when the label changes? I understand that
somebody may change the xattr value silently, but let's say this is
changed through kernel -- do you intend to prohibit any changes or issue
some notification or whatever?

>  [3]. risk-free patch ?

No patch is risk free :) but yes, xattrs use an established and tested

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