On 12/02/14 17:13, Saint Germain wrote:
Ok based on your advices, here is what I have done so far to use UEFI
(remeber that the objective is to have a clean and simple BTRFS RAID1

A) I start first with only one drive, I have gone with the following
partition scheme (Debian wheezy, kernel 3.12, grub 2.00, GPT partition
with parted):
sda1 = 1MiB BIOS Boot partition (no FS, "set 1 bios_grub on" with
parted to set the type)
sda2 = 550 MiB EFI System Partition (FAT32, "toggle 2 boot" with
parted to set the type),  mounted on /boot/efi

I'm curious, why so big? There's only one file of about 100kb there, and I was considering shrinking mine to the minimum possible (which seems to be about 33 MB).

sda3 = 1 TiB root partition (BTRFS), mounted on /
sda4 = 6 GiB swap partition
(that way I should be able to be compatible with both CSM or UEFI)

B) normal Debian installation on sdas, activate the CSM on the
motherboard and reboot.

C) apt-get install grub-efi-amd64 and grub-install /dev/sda

And the problems begin:
1) grub-install doesn't give any error but using the --debug I can see
that it is not using EFI.
2) Ok I force with grub-install --target=x86_64-efi
--efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub --recheck --debug
3) This time something is generated in /boot/efi: /boot/efi/EFI/grub/grubx64.efi
4) Copy the file /boot/efi/EFI/grub/grubx64.efi to

                ^^^^ is EFI/boot/ correct here?

If you're lucky then your BIOS will tell what path it will try to read for the boot code. For me that is /EFI/debian/grubx64.efi.

5) Reboot and disable the CSM on the motherboard
6) No boot possible, I always go directly to the UEFI-BIOS

I am currently stuck there. I read a lot of conflicting advises which
doesn't work:
   - use "modprobe efivars" and efibootmgr: not possible because I have
not booted in EFI (chicken-egg problem)

Not exactly. Boot in EFI mode into your favourite installer rescue mode, then chroot into the target filesystem and run efibootmgr there.


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