On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> We do recommend that you stay relatively current on both kernel and
> userspace, however.  So a current 4.1 series kernel and btrfs-progs 4.1.2
> are excellent, but consider another filesystem if you're the type who was
> still on a 2.x kernel thru 3.12 or so. =:^)

Thank you for the good reminder.

I'm using btrfs for a few years on less important systems. And it has
been quite some time since I last had to throw away and restore an
unrecoverable btrfs filesystem. And I am comfortable with building a
custom kernel for my machines from kernel.org sources.

But that backup system I was talking about is neither a playground
nor the right place for experiments. It is deliberately a minimal system
running Debian Stable (which is currently at a 3.16 kernel) without
any modifications.

Sacrificing ease of use, comfort or even availability is not a big deal.
But sacrificing the durability of the data is not an option. The single
purpose of this system is to keep the data reliably.

So I think I'll start slow with easy-to-recover data. And give it some
more time before I start storing the important stuff on btrfs.

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