David Sterba posted on Mon, 02 Nov 2015 16:14:53 +0100 as excerpted:

> the kernel 4.3 was released yesterday, the btrfs-progs will follow at
> the end of this week. I've tagged an rc1 from current devel branch.
> There are a lots of small invisible changes and one change in the
> defaults:
> * mkfs: mixed mode is not forced anymore for devices smaller than 1 GiB

It says one change in the /defaults/, but then it says mixed mode isn't 
/forced/ anymore under a GiB.

Which is it, a change in the /defaults/, under a gig now defaults to 
separate data/metadata, or same /defaults/, but now there's a way to 
overrule them and do separate data/metadata under a gig, so while mixed 
remains the default, it's no longer /forced/?

If the /defaults/ changed, is mixed mode still /recommended/ for small 

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