On Wed, 2015-12-16 at 09:41 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:
> Hugo is right here.  reiserfs had tools that would scan and entire
> block
> device for metadata blocks and try to reconstruct the filesystem
> based
> on what it found.
Creepy... at least when talking about a "normal" fsck... good that
btrfs is going to be the next-gen-ext, and not reiser4 ;)

> Adding UUIDs doesn't make that whole class of problem go away (you
> could
> have an image of the filesystem inside that filesystem), but it does
> make it dramatically less likely.  

> > Does anyone know whether btrfsck (or other userland) tools do such
> > things? I.e. search more or less arbitrary blocks, where it cannot
> > be
> > sure it's *not* data, for what it would interpret as meta-data
> > subsequently?
> These are emergency tools, btrfs restore and find-roots can do some
> scanning.  We don't do it the way reiserfs did because it would be
> very
> difficult to reconstruct shared data and metadata from snapshots.

Hmm I agree, that it's valid for such tools, to do these kinds of scans
(i.e. scan for meta-data in places that are not known for sure to be
meta-data) when doing some last-resort-rescue tries... or for rescue
operations, where it's clearly documented that this is done.

But I think it shouldn't happen e.g. during a normal fsck - only when
special options are given.
And it should be properly documented (i.e. telling people in the docs,
that this does a block for block scan for meta-data even within normal
data, and that if they'd had e.g. another fs of the same UUIDs within,
the results may be completely bogus.


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