2016-08-08 20:13 GMT+03:00 Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>:
> Just a wild guess, the deletions may be in the tree log and haven't
> been applied to the other trees (fs tree, extent tree, etc). So yes
> I'd expect they get deleted on a rw mount.
> This is what kernel? Because kernel 4.6 offers mount option
> "nologreplay" which suggests even if you do mount -r that log replay
> happens, so you shouldn't see these deleted files unless you mount ro
> *and* use nologreplay mount option.

Live USB has kernel 4.5.7. Maybe I should try to run "btrfs rescue
zero-log" and then mount RW? Will the files safe in that case?

> Anyway, even 5 seconds of rm -rf damages too much. If you don't have
> recent snapshots then it's not sanely salvageable, just reinstall.

As I could see, almost all the "deleted" files are present. Certainly,
I'll make an rsync diff between two-week-ago snapshot and the current
FS state. But it will better if in-place recover without backup is

P.S. IMHO, log replay by default is a quite dangerous thing. I didn't
know about that change and I could lose all files if the live USB had
4.6 kernel))

Ivan Sizov (SIvan)
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