Am Sonntag, 11. September 2016, 16:54:25 CEST schrieben Sie:
> Am Sonntag, 11. September 2016, 14:39:14 CEST schrieb Waxhead:
> > Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > > Am Sonntag, 11. September 2016, 13:43:59 CEST schrieb Martin 
> > >>>>> The Nouveau graphics driver have a nice feature matrix on it's
> > >>>>> webpage
> > >>>>> and I think that BTRFS perhaps should consider doing something like
> > >>>>> that
> > >>>>> on it's official wiki as well
> > >>>> 
> > >>>> BTRFS also has a feature matrix. The links to it are in the "News"
> > >>>> section
> > >>>> however:
> > >>>> 
> > >>>>
> […]
> > > I mentioned this matrix as a good *starting* point. And I think it would
> > > be
> > > easy to extent it:
> > > 
> > > Just add another column called "Production ready". Then research / ask
> > > about production stability of each feature. The only challenge is: Who
> > > is
> > > authoritative on that? I´d certainly ask the developer of a feature, but
> > > I´d also consider user reports to some extent.
> > > 
> > > Maybe thats the real challenge.
> > > 
> > > If you wish, I´d go through each feature there and give my own
> > > estimation.
> > > But I think there are others who are deeper into this.
> > 
> > That is exactly the same reason I don't edit the wiki myself. I could of
> > course get it started and hopefully someone will correct what I write,
> > but I feel that if I start this off I don't have deep enough knowledge
> > to do a proper start. Perhaps I will change my mind about this.
> Well one thing would be to start with the column and start filling the more
> easy stuff. And if its not known since what kernel version, but its known to
> be stable I suggest to conservatively just put the first kernel version
> into it where people think it is stable or in doubt even put 4.7 into it.
> It can still be reduced to lower kernel versions.
> Well: I made a tiny start. I linked "Features by kernel version" more
> prominently on the main page, so it is easier to find and also added the
> following warning just above the table:
> "WARNING: The "Version" row states at which version a feature has been
> merged into the mainline kernel. It does not tell anything about at which
> kernel version it is considered mature enough for production use."
> Now I wonder: Would adding a "Production ready" column, stating the first
> known to be stable kernel version make sense in this table? What do you
> think? I can add the column and give some first rough, conservative
> estimations on a few features.
> What do you think? Is this a good place?

It isn´t as straight forward to add this column as I thought. If I add it 
after "Version" then the following fields are not aligned anymore, even tough 
they use some kind of identifier – but that identifier also doesn´t match the 
row title. After reading about mediawiki syntax I came to the conclusion that 
I need to add the new column in every data row as well and cannot just assign 
values to the rows and leave out whats not known yet.

! Feature !! Version !! Description !! Notes
|text=Read all data and verify checksums, repair if possible.

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