On 2017-02-07 08:53, Peter Zaitsev wrote:

I have tried BTRFS from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS   for write intensive OLTP MySQL

It did not go very well ranging from multi-seconds stalls where no
transactions are completed to the finally kernel OOPS with "no space left
on device" error message and filesystem going read only.
How much spare space did you have allocated in the filesystem? At a minimum, you want at least a few GB beyond what you expect to be the maximum size of your data-set times the number of snapshots you plan to keep around at any given time.

I'm complete newbie in BTRFS so  I assume  I'm doing something wrong.
Not exactly wrong, but getting this to work efficiently is more art than engineering.

Do you have any advice on how BTRFS should be tuned for OLTP workload
(large files having a lot of random writes)  ?    Or is this the case where
one should simply stay away from BTRFS and use something else ?
The general recommendation is usually to avoid BTRFS for such things. There are however a number of things you can do to improve performance: 1. Use a backing storage format that has the minimal amount of complexity. The more data structures that get updated when a record changes, the worse the performance will be. I don't have enough experience with MySQL to give a specific recommendation on what backing storage format to use, but someone else might. 2. Avoid large numbers of small transactions. The smaller the transaction, the worse it will fragment things. 3. Use autodefrag. This will increase write load on the storage device, but it should improve performance for reads. 4. Try using in-line compression. This can actually significantly improve performance, especially if you have slow storage devices and a really nice CPU. 5. If you're running raid10 mode for BTRFS, run raid1 on top of two LVM or MD RAID0 devices instead. This sounds stupid, but it actually will hugely improve both read and write performance without sacrificing any data safety. 6. Look at I/O scheduler tuning. This can have a huge impact, especially considering that most of the defaults for the various schedulers are somewhat poor for most modern systems. I won't go into the details here, since there are a huge number of online resources about this.

One item recommended in some places is "nodatacow"  this however defeats
the main purpose I'm looking at BTRFS -  I am interested in "free"
snapshots which look very attractive to use for database recovery scenarios
allow instant rollback to the previous state.
Snapshots aren't free. They are quick, but they aren't free by any means. If you're going to be using snapshots, keep them to a minimum, performance scales inversely proportionate to the number of snapshots, and this has a much bigger impact the more you're trying to do on the filesystem. Also, consider whether or not you _actually_ need filesystem level snapshots. I don't know about your full software stack, but most good OLTP software supports rollback segments (or an equivalent with a different name), and those are probably what you want to use, not filesystem snapshots.
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