On 2017-10-19 14:39, Peter Grandi wrote:
[ ... ]
Oh please, please a bit less silliness would be welcome here.
In a previous comment on this tedious thread I had written:

If the block device abstraction layer and lower layers work
correctly, Btrfs does not have problems of that sort when
adding new devices; conversely if the block device layer and
lower layers do not work correctly, no mainline Linux
filesystem I know can cope with that.

Note: "work correctly" does not mean "work error-free".

The last line is very important and I added it advisedly.
[ ... ]
Filesystems run on top of *block-devices* with a definite
interface and a definite state machine, and filesystems in
general assume that the block-device works *correctly*.

They do run on top of USB or SATA devices, otherwise a
significant majority of systems running Linux and/or BSD
should not be operating right now.

That would be big news to any Linux/UNIX filesystem developer,
who would have to rush to add SATA and USB protocol and state
machine handling to their implementations, which currently only
support the block-device protocol and state machine.
Please send patches :-)
In casual conversation, the concept of something being on top of something else is usually a transitive property, higher layers are still built on top of lower layers, irrespective of what layers are in between them (though this does not preclude lower layers from being interchangeable). Filesystems run on top of SATA or USB devices because they run on top of the block layer, which in turn runs on top of SATA and USB devices. This is no different than how SSH runs on top of IP because it runs on TCP or SCTP, which in turn run on top of IP.

   Note to some readers: there are filesystems designed to work
   on top not of block devices, like on top the MTD abstraction
   layer, for example.

Yes, they don't directly access them, but the block layer
isn't much more than command translation, scheduling, and
accounting, so this distinction is meaningless and largely

More tedious silliness and grossly ignorant too, because the
protocol and state machine of the block-device layer is
completely different from that of both SATA and USB, and the
mapping of the SATA or USB protocols and state machines onto the
block-device ones is actually a very complex, difficult, and
error prone task, involving mountains of very hairy code. In
particular since the block-device protocol and state machine are
rather simplistic, a lot is lost in translation.

   Note: the SATA handling firmware in disk device often involves
   *dozens of thousands* of lines of code, and "all it does" is
   "just" reading the device and passing the content over the IO

Filesystems are designed to that very simplistic protocol and
state machine for good reasons, and sometimes they are designed
to even just a subset; for example most filesystem designs
assume that block-device writes never fail (that is, bad sector
sparing is done by a lower layer), and only some handle
gracefully block-device read failures.
Yes, and the block layer is still largely a protocol translator and scheduler. There may be a great deal of _internal_ complexity (especially with SATA and USB, since they both get routed through the SCSI layer below the block layer), but that's not really all that relevant to the discussion since we can reasonably assume that it is functionally perfectly reliable (and it largely is).

At the point at which it's statistically impossible for a given layer to be the source of an error and that layer passes errors from lower layers up to higher ones (possibly with some translation) without handling them itself, then that layer becomes irrelevant for practical discussions of error handling, until you can prove that it was the source of the error being discussed.

[ ... ] to refer to a block-device connected via interface 'X'
as an 'X device' or an 'X storage device'.

More tedious silliness as this is a grossly misleading shorthand
when the point of the discussion is the error recovery protocol
and state machine assumed by filesystem designers. To me it see
that if people use that shorthand in that context, as if it was
not a shorthand, they don't know what they are talking about, or
they are trying to mislead the discussion.
You mean like your whole tirade about my terminology being fundamentally wrong? Everyone else in the thread appears to have understood what I meant perfectly, except you.
 >> [ ... ] For an end user, it generally doesn't matter whether a
given layer reported the error or passed it on (or generated
it), it matters whether it was corrected or not. [ ... ]

You seem unable or unwilling to appreciate how detected and
undetected errors are fundamentally different, and how layering
of greatly different protocols is a complicated issue highly
relevant to error recovery, so you seem to assume that other end
users are likewise unable or unwilling.
No, I'm saying that a majority of end users generally are unwilling to even care about how it works, let alone take the time to learn about it. Most end users are not technically savvy, and don't really care how something works, as long as it works. A few days working tech support makes this fact painfully obvious. There are exceptions, but even in the IT industry, most people don't care about how it works below the level of userspace, provided it works and presents the required functionality. Even when they do want some explanation of why to do something some specific way, it usually suffices to say something simple, instead of having to explain how everything works.

One of the best recent examples of this is explaining the need for an update on Linux and Android systems in light of the KRACK attack on WPA/WPA2. Among the hundred plus people I've explained this to, only about half a dozen other than me have wanted explanation beyond 'without the update, it effectively provides no security', and of those, I'm the only one who cares beyond the fact that a successful attack will cause a key with an exactly known value to be used (and the only reason I care is so I can audit that the patches for wpa_supplicant and hostapd are correct prior to updating my systems).

But I am not so dismissive of "end users", and I assume that
there are end users that can eventually understand that Btrfs in
the main is not designed to handle devices that "lie" because
Btrfs actually is designed to use the block-device layer which
is assumed to "work correctly" (except for checksums).
No filesystem is designed to handle devices that lie, because there's no sane way to handle them. That's a fundamental property of a working storage system that happens to be pretty easy to explain once they understand that undetected errors are possible. It absolutely doesn't require going into some complicated explanation of how the block layer works (or that it even exists for that matter).
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