On 03/28/2018 02:48 AM, David Sterba wrote:
The show_devname callback is used to print device name in
/proc/self/mounts, we need to traverse the device list consistently and
read the name that's copied to a seq buffer so we don't need further

If the first device is being deleted at the same time, the RCU will
allow us to read the device name, though it will become stale right
after the RCU protection ends. This is unavoidable and the user can
expect that the device will disappear from the filesystem's list at some

The device_list_mutex was pretty heavy as it is used eg. for writing
superblock and a few other IO related contexts. This can stall any
application that reads the proc file for no reason.

Signed-off-by: David Sterba <dste...@suse.com>

Reviewed-by: Anand Jain <anand.j...@oracle.com>

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