Brendan Hide posted on Sat, 28 Apr 2018 09:30:30 +0200 as excerpted:

> My real worry is that I'm currently reading at 2.79GB/s (see result
> above and below) without compression when my hardware *should* limit it
> to 2.0GB/s. This tells me either `sync` is not working or my benchmark
> method is flawed.

No answer but a couple additional questions/suggestions:

* Tarfile:  Just to be sure, you're using an uncompressed tarfile, not a 
(compressed tarfile) tgz/tbz2/etc, correct?

* How does hdparm -t and -T compare?  That's read-only and bypasses the 
filesystem, so it should at least give you something to compare the 2.79 
GB/s to, both from-raw-device (-t) and cached/memory-only (-T).  See the 
hdparm (8) manpage for the details.

* And of course try the compressed tarball too, since it should be easy 
enough and should give you compressable vs. uncompressable numbers for 
sanity checking.

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